FRIENDS of the Tallgrass

the Family Research Initiative, An Educational Nexus for Development & Service of the Tallgrass region of the U.S.

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Dr. Kayla Reed-Fitzke is an assistant professor of Couple and Family Therapy and a Public Policy Center Research Fellow at the University of Iowa, as well as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and an AAMFT Approved Supervisor. Her research focuses on promoting health and well-being during emerging adulthood by examining intersections of risk and resilience to identify points of prevention and intervention. She examines well-being among two primary emerging adult populations: college students who are at-risk for poor well-being and military servicemembers. A primary emphasis on her research is on the role of the relationships as a source of protection or vulnerability. She was the Project Co-Manager of the Emerging Adult Healthy Relationships Study (2013-2016), and is the Principal Investigator of the Identifying At-Risk Early Career Servicemembers (IA-RECS) project. She is also the current Co-Chair for the NCFR Military Families and Children Focus Group.